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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Professional LxH Disc Model Offers “Aha Moments” for Patients

What’s it like to have a so-called “aha moment”? Most people describe it as the point where something “clicks”; the moment in time when the proverbial light bulb switches on and all becomes clear. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension.”

When have you been awarded with aha moments? When you were a student, it might have been that time when you finally grasped why the answer to that algebra problem was 3x-2 or when you finally got what Shakespeare was trying to say during that perplexing scene in Julius Caesar. As an adult, it may have been that time when you finally understood your moody teenager or figured out just what it was that the boss wanted from you.

Everyone experiences different aha moments – and they’re wonderful! When such a moment occurs, you’re rewarded with a deep and definite understanding and you feel relief because of the clarity that now exists.

When you’re in a difficult or hard-to-understand scenario, as when facing a complex medical situation, an aha moment is quite welcome as it often represents that moment when you finally understand what’s going on. It’s that point at which you’re sitting with your doctor and he’s finally able to help you grasp the particulars of your situation. For that to happen, your doctor needs to be the best educator he/she can possibly be.

Good education comes with good educational tools, and for spine specialists of any kind, those good tools include Dynamic Disc Designs’ Professional LxH model, now considered the standard in spine modeling. This totally dynamic model provides surgeons, chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, and other spine professionals with a tool that speaks volumes when it comes to learning about the specific workings of the spine.

Professional LxH Disc Model

With the Professional LxH model, and the other lumbar and cervical models from Dynamic Disc Designs (ddd) and Dr. Jerome Fryer, you’ll no longer spend your time pointing to the parts of a flat one-dimensional drawing or trying to explain spine movement with a static model.

This model includes a realist 2-part intervertebral disc with 6 degrees of freedom. In addition, the model’s detailed cauda equina includes: sensory and motor divisions, dorsal root ganglion, recurrent meningeal, gray rami communicantes, posterior primary division, dura mater, arachnoid sheath, rootlets, and a properly placed nerve root to accurately demonstrate the most commonly affected nerve with a post-lateral herniated disc. You won’t find a more detailed too for spine education.

Each ddd model is individually crafted with close attention to detail. Demonstrations via video are available to view before purchasing, and the reviews of the Professional LxH model provide even more reasons to consider purchase.
“I have used the Dynamic Disc model for over 5 years,” says chiropractor Robert Olivieri. “It has been an extremely valuable tool in educating my patients throughout their treatment. It clearly demonstrates what the patient’s problem is and what we can do to help treat them. A well-educated patient will usually follow your recommendations, therefore making your practice outcomes more successful.”


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