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Monday, May 2, 2016

Low Back Pain Models Address Common Complaints

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common health complaints made by adults of all ages. Surveys have shown that it’s the leading cause of activity limitation and is a primary reason for work-related absences in populations around the world. As a result, these same studies show that low back pain has a huge impact of the overall economy, including that of individuals and families as well as larger entities such as corporations and governments.

Spine Educator Models

In a 2010 Global Burden of Disease study by Hoy et al (University of Queensland, School of Population Health), of all 291 conditions studied, LBP ranked highest in terms of disability and sixth in terms of overall burden. The conclusions stated that “LBP causes more global disability than any other condition. With the ageing population, there is an urgent need for further research to better understand LBP across different settings.”1

Chiropractors see more patients with low back pain than with any other complaint. Anyone who’s suffered severely from this pain knows how debilitating it can be, and chiropractors see first-hand the pain and anguish it can cause. If you’ve ever personally experienced severe or even acute back pain, you know that it makes it difficult to perform just about any task as – when untreated – this pain inhibits standing, sitting, or lying down. It’s a lose-lose situation. Sometimes it’s even difficult to walk, spasms can occur, and the pain can travel to other parts of the body.

Scarier yet is the patient’s inability to understand their back pain, why it’s happening, and why it seems to keep reappearing. The patient wants to know how to address the pain and is searching for ways to rid themselves of this pain once-and-for-all. To do that, they’ll need to learn the particulars of muscle or ligament strains, bulging or ruptured disks, or other common conditions linked to lower back pain.

The best way you – the chiropractor – can accomplish the task of educating your low back pain patients is to literally show them how the spine works – not by pictures or computer renderings, but through the use of dynamic 3D low back pain models that truly illustrate the intricate workings of the spine. With Dynamic Disc Designs (ddd) fully-movable models, you can get the job done.

These low back pain models, designed and crafted by Dr. Jerome Fryer, chiropractor, represent money well spent for education tools. Because these models provide an excellent visual interpretation of the spine, as well as one that patients can touch and manipulate, understanding is improved ten-fold over that which can be garnered from a static 3D model, a 2D model, or a drawing. Furthermore, they are priced affordably and are long-lasting.

Chiropractors are praising these low back pain models as among the most helpful for them and for their patients.
“I would like to thank you and your company Dynamic Disc Designs Corp. for creating a realistic product that can be considered worthy of being in a health care office,” writes chiropractor Brent C. Bluekens of Alberta, Canada.  “This product makes it so much easier to show a 3D reference while explaining MRI’s and X-ray results to the patients.  I actually did not really use 3D models before because of their lack of realism.  Please keep developing your models and I would highly recommend you to everyone.”



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